The Debating Society is indispensable to manifest meticulously on an assortment of topical subjects. The motto, “scientia potentia est” {Knowledge is Power, jnanam balam), expresses the vision of this Society.


It will echo the ethos of creativeness and will also be a platform for the students and faculty to agree/disagree and advance their acquaintance on matters encompassing local, national and global affairs. Further, it will enrich speaking, writing, listening, logical and intellectual dexterities. The Society will give an opening to the creative minds of the College to showcase their talents in poetry writing/recitation, reading from leading novels, painting, &c. The platform can augment and develop team synergy and fortitude. It will create a culture of debate, discussion and creative ability of students and faculty members of the College. It will give a vision for all the stakeholders of the College to invest in qualitative learning and imaginative exploration of assorted ingenious matters.